Character Creation

Very Basics

Characters are created in person with the GM and any other players joining the team at the same time.

Cepheus Engine (like Classic Traveller) uses simple character creation, so you can create a character using two dice in 15-60 minutes.  However, pay attention to the following "house rules" of character creation, they are important:
  • Roll 2d6 six times and then assign these attributes as you wish.
  • Any skill may be chosen, rather than rolled randomly.  Note that you can only choose skills that you could have rolled randomly for under the original rules.  With the GM's approval, any material reward may be chosen as well.  (As a practical matter, starships are out, everything else is in.) Of course if you want to roll randomly, you can; you can also choose some skills and randomly roll others.
  • Basic training does not give you all service skills at zero.  Instead it gives you one skill at one.
Traveller is a science fiction game, and I would like all players to consider creating characters which have a sci-fi component within them.  Traveller has several types of aliens who coexist with humans.  I'd be perfectly happy is about 1/3 of the player characters were non-human.  Another good way to create a sci-fi component is to have an unusual home planet (see below), or some unusual body augmentation, pet, background, etc.

Each character must have a homeworld that you create.  You must use the Eclipse Phase: Astrometrics for this purpose.  I will convert whatever you create into Traveller rules.  As with character creation you may choose results rather than rolling randomly, but excessive weirdness will be vetoed.  You can create the homeworld of the character either before or after creating the character, or both (creating the homeworld, then the character, then updating/changing the homeworld).

Eclipse Phase, Astrometrics:

Finally, as part of creating your character, please think about and answer the following questions:


Question #1: Choose one of the following "fly the ship" jobs that your character will have the skill to do:
  1. Pilot
  2. Navigator
  3. Engineer
  4. Comms
  5. Gunnery
Question #2: Choose one of the following corporate repo jobs that your character will have the skills to do.  (Note that your team does not need to have all of these skills!  Just some of them.):
  1. Thug / Soldier / Fighter / Personal Combat
  2. Breaking into computers and similar high tech systems.
  3. Breaking into buildings and similar physical structures.
  4. Dealing with rules, governments, and bureaucracies.
  5. Spying, surveillance, and steakout work.
  6. Dealing with criminal scumbags.
  7. Impersonations, acting, disguise, etc.
  8. Running scams, flim-flams, and generally being a conman.
  9. For electronic devices, fixing those that need fixing and breaking those that need breaking.
  10. For mechanical devices, fixing those that need fixing and breaking those that need breaking.
  11. For people, fixing those that need fixing and incapacitating those that need incapacitating.
Question #3: Choose one of the following areas of interest, not directly related to repo work, that your character has, and note it on your character sheet:
  1. Ancients
  2. Imperial Nobility
  3. A specific minor race.
  4. Collecting something (either in general, or from every planet he/she has visited).
  5. Anything else you can think of that might create future adventures or plot hooks.
Question #4: Give a one paragraph summary of one or two enemies your character has made. One paragraph, means you need to give a name, age, basic description, and at least one sentence on each of these things: why you hate each other, what he is doing now, his personality, his family and basic living situation.

Question #5: Give a one paragraph summary of one or two different friends/supporters/lovers that your character has. One paragraph, means you need to give a name, age, basic description, and at least one sentence on each of these things: how you know each other (your previous relationship), what he is doing now, his personality, his family and basic living situation.

Question #6: (Optional) Choose an animal totem to describe your character's basic personality and/or physical traits. Or, if you prefer, choose a Tarot card (any deck) that represents your personality. Or, choose a psychological category from a well known scale, such as Meyers-Briggs, Ennagram, etc.

Question #7: Are any close friends or relations (or yourself!) noble or famous?

Notes on Skills

In the Cepheus Engine rules, there are no "Electronics Operations" type skills.  Rather, a character can use the equipment related to their other skills.  So an Engineer can operate all the electronics related to the ship's engineering department, and a character with Science can operate electronics related to scientific research, (like sensors), and so on. 

When Done

Once you have finished, please send me a paragraph that I can put in the "Characters" tab. 


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